Experience Highlights

RPA Developer / Singtel - Market Survey

Developed RPA project - Market Survey. The project involves extracting the payroll data and relevant information of 11,000 Singtel employees and ordering it systematically for four different vendor template.

A notable feature of the project includes the mapping of employee's job code. As string comparision was necessitated, a combination of fuzzy logic and a custom inbuilt thesaurus was invoked to find a best match for job codes.

Environment: UiPath Studio, Excel, PDF scraping, Regex, Agile

RPA Developer / Fuji Electric - Audit Schedule

Developed POC for RPA project - Audit Schedule. The project involves reconcillating the profit loss margin between per schedule and per trial balance.

A key feature involves labelling the sum total under different categories based on description. This process necessitates the use of a priority matching feature where the client is able to input priority level for different keywords.

Environment: UiPath Studio, Excel

Software Developer / UST Global - Fund Factsheet Generation

Led team project for in house POC. The project involves daily scraping of various stocks from the web, creation of factsheet, storing and reading data from SQL, creation of web application for fund manager to handle scraping configurations, and emailing of factsheets to relevant investors.

Environment: UiPath Studio, C#, SQL


2019 - Now

Contracted to Singtel as a RPA developer under UST Global

UST Global

Began my RPA journey at UST Global

National University of Singapore
2015 - 2018

Bachelor Degree of Science in Physics