
Welcome to my portfolio

My Name Is

Ng Jie Hui

As a front end developer, I design and build websites.

Me (Right) with my friends at Titop Island at Ha Long Bay, Hanoi.

Live Projects


A series of projects I had worked on since I entered singtel. Click below to join me on my RPA journey.

House Project

Fund Factsheet

My first major project in UST. We were tasked to create a web app that scrapes the web for stocks prices. Read on to find out more.



Not sure what RPA is? Here is an introductory video to what UiPath is capable of. Click below to find out more about them.

Pet Project

Tic Tac Toe

My first ever pet project when I started coding. This program uses Min-Max algorithm to outsmart it's opponent. There's a way to beat it though!

Past Portfolio

Ver 1.0

My first portfolio. I had wanted to go for a clean, minimalist look, but it felt a little too bare-bones.